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Often, we lose something that is important or significant to us. We are either emotionally invested or physically involved in that particular thing. We might have spent a lot of our time creating that thing or nurturing it or just spent a lot of time together with it. Often, this loss then tends to draw us back from the present. We go inside our shells. We try to cower back to safety, and this is a natural reaction. But what follows this is not natural and specifically not good.

Less than an hour ago, I lost my Local Disk D and E. They may have been corrupted or deleted in my absence. I kept my laptop in the library and went to take the class, and when I came back, both Local disk D and E were simply gone. I could not find them anywhere. After finishing the search on Internet, I finally accepted that the drives are gone and that they cannot get recovered at all. It might seem a very insignificant or not-that-important event to the reader but a point to note here is that like all people who lead a restrictive life, my laptop is my dear friend. I do not have a social circle or dear friends. This example is a very generalized one btw. To sum it up, I have lost my data. Academics, Personal, everything. As a natural reaction, I stood up from the library and came back to the safety of my room to my bed. Instead of crying or cutting myself over this, however, I cleaned my hoodie because cleaning is a gruelling task for me. Then I came back and wrote this. The next step would be to sleep till dinner. I have to go to my home tomorrow, so I must pack for that too. So, I will skate tonight and then come back and pack and sleep again.

Perhaps this is a subjective post more than an objective informatory article, but whenever you feel like you have lost something important or something really significant, give in to your natural reaction. But do not let it extend to be an unnatural worry. Try to limit your reaction and then channelize it. Use the energy to do something useful. I am not the perfect person to learn all this from too because I am still afraid, I might cry while sleeping. But I know that if it were not for going-to-the-bathroom-to-clean-my-hoodie or coming back to write this, my unnatural reaction would happen much worse. After reacting normally and limiting that reaction to a normal magnitude, try to make recovery as soon as possible. By the time you get over this problem of yours, you will be much strong and more experienced.

I hope you never have to use the postmortem. Best of luck.

Image added for cover purposes


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