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Capitalism under 5 minutes

I am a capitalist. I require

1. Labor

2. Land

3. Machines

4. Investment

to make money. The rules set forth by capitalism say that the value of each thing involved in making a product constitutes 25% of its profit margin. Whoever provides the labour gets 25% of the profit, the investor gets 25% of the profit, the landowner gets his 25% share and the person who buys all machines to make the final product from the raw material gets his 25% share. This is how a capitalist business venture works.

I live in a system of government called ‘Privatization’, in which the means of production of wealth are controlled by private people rather than the state itself. So being a capitalist, I invest my own money in land and machines to start an industry. Naturally, now I own 75% of the profit (land, investment and machines are mine). I will distribute the rest 25% to all the labourers in my factory. I will try to compete with people richer than me and will try to make laws that profit me the maximum amount. “Goodwill” and "Humanity" can go to hell.

The people in my organization are facing inflation growth with a fixed amount of paycheck that they get from me. I decide the number on their paychecks too, which btw comes from 25% of my company’s profit. Meanwhile, I am sitting on a couch in my PJs round the year hoarding the rest 75% of the profits. A concentration of wealth is occurring. This is where the unequal distribution of wealth starts. Now the classes system will start, an elite class and a poor class.

I am a capitalist. I don't care. I am a greedy as fuck shmuck, so I am not satisfied with the 75% I get right now. What I will do now is go into politics. Because the society is running after money, Pesa Phenk Tmasha Dekh system will work and make me an MNA. I will now sit in the very place where policies are made, the Parliament House. Now I will skim off the top of labourer’s 25% too and give them just as much to survive so they may keep labouring for me.

Suppose I can’t go into the parliament myself for one reason or the other, I will invest in a famous personality and make him or her the PM or President of the country. Now I am the capitalist and the ruler too (I am the pressure groups/civil establishment/military establishments). I will start hoarding stuff to short it in the market and thus, raise its price. After my desired price is attained, I will supply the stuff and earn 3x and 4x the money.

Finally, the money problem is solved. I am earning the maximum possible amount without doing any excursion. My labourers are loyal dogs working to get their bones every night. Now I am satisfied.

On the other side of this story is a labourer. When he sees that his income does not meet his basic needs, he decides to corrupt himself. Youngsters after getting a degree see no prospect of a job and thus: marriage, and they rape girls and little boys and cats. Daily wagers snatch mobiles and cars to buy health, food, clothes, and education for their families. Hunger knows no ethics, completely justifiably.

I am a capitalist. I know that the system is wrong and because of me, someone is not getting the basic necessities. But remember, being a capitalist, I am a fucking smart cunt. I will make sure the labourers think their problems are because of them and not me. I will hire religious people to tell the labourers that it is their fate to live in poverty. It is a labourer’s qismat to bear poverty. I will publicize the view: "Khuda ksi ko na de kr azmata he, or ksi ko de kr azmata he. The point to ponder here is that Khuda is just. He is fair in his dealings. We all know that justice is to give the needy their adequate share of money so they may not commit a crime. This is fair. This is just. How can that Allah then reward some people of Pakistan with millions of dollars and keep the rest of us poor? Allah himself says that before a person is born, I send his rizq down to Earth. Why does this rizq not reach that person? Someone else is hoarding his share of resources. Hazrat Ali RA says that if you see 10 dishes of food in front of one person and see another person with nothing to eat, know that the former has thieved the latter.

Capitalists don’t want an intelligent population because critical thinkers cannot be ruled. They want us just smart enough to do labour and dumb enough to keep voting for them. Political education is not given intentionally. Please make yourself known. I am not a capitalist and I support their public hangings. Awais.


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